§ 58.1-1601. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context clearly shows otherwise, the termor phrase:
"F.o.b. loading out point" means loaded on a railroad car, loaded on abarge or boat, or delivered to place of use by truck.
"Forest product" includes all types of forest products, but is not limitedto logs, timber, pulpwood, excelsior wood, chemical wood, woodchips, bolts,billets, crossties, switch ties, poles, piles, fuel wood, posts, allcooperage products, tanbark, mine ties, mine props and all other types offorest products used in mines.
"Manufacturer" means the person who: (i) operates a sawmill for the sawingof logs into rough lumber in its various sizes and forms, (ii) operates acooperage mill, veneer mill, excelsior mill, paper mill, chipmill, chemicalplant or other operation for the processing of forest products into productsother than lumber, (iii) purchases from the person who severs crossties,switch ties, mine ties, mine props, and other forest products used inconnection with mining, piles or poles, except fish net poles, or (iv) seversposts, fuel wood, fish net poles and similar products.
"Shipper" means any person in this Commonwealth who sells or ships outsidethe Commonwealth by railroad, truck, barge, boat or by any other means oftransportation any forest product in an unmanufactured condition, whether asowner, lessee, woodyard operator, agent or contractor;
"Severer" means any person who fells, cuts or otherwise separates timber orany other such forest product from the soil.
(Code 1950, § 58-838.1; 1970, c. 770; 1984, c. 675.)