§ 58.1-1607. Limitation on tax for certain manufacturers taxable under §58.1-1605.
Manufacturers taxed pursuant to the provisions of § 58.1-1605 shall not inany one calendar year of a biennium be liable for a tax under this chapter inexcess of sixty dollars when the amount of rough lumber manufactured is500,000 board feet or less, or in excess of thirty dollars when the amount ofrough lumber manufactured is 300,000 board feet or less. Any tax collected inexcess of such amounts shall be promptly refunded by the Tax Commissioner tothe taxpayer who has paid such excess.
(Code 1950, § 58-838.8; 1956, c. 61; 1970, c. 770; 1972, c. 316; 1983, c.109; 1984, c. 675.)