§ 58.1-206. Continuing education program for assessing officers and boards ofequalization.
There shall be established within the Department a program of continuingeducation for county, city and town officers responsible for the assessmentof real estate, and for members and prospective members of boards ofassessors and boards of equalization. Such program shall be composed of basiccourses embodying the fundamental instruction essential for the equitableassessment of real estate or tangible personal property and an advancedcourse designed basically to meet the requirements for full certification bythe International Association of Assessing Officers. Such assessing officersand board members attending shall be reimbursed for the actual expensesincurred by their attendance at such program.
(Code 1950, § 58-33.1; 1975, c. 616; 1979, cc. 576, 577; 1984, c. 675.)