§ 58.1-2416. Assignment to Commissioner required with other security.
Any rentor who shall so deposit with the Commissioner bonds of the UnitedStates government or of the Commonwealth of Virginia, or a certificate ofdeposit, in lieu of filing a surety bond, shall at the time deliver to theCommissioner an assignment authorizing him to use the bonds or any partthereof, or to receive payment of the certificate of deposit as the case maybe, for the purpose of paying any liability of the rentor to the Commonwealthfor rental tax due and payable by him, including any and all penalties andinterest accrued thereon and any damages for which he may be liable by reasonof his failure to comply with any of the other provisions of this chapter.
(Code 1950, § 58-685.17:5; 1982, c. 141; 1984, c. 675.)