§ 58.1-2628. Annual report.
A. Each telegraph company and telephone company shall report annually, onApril 15, to the Commission all real and tangible personal property of everydescription in the Commonwealth, owned, operated or used by it, except leasedautomobiles, leased trucks or leased real estate, as of January 1 preceding,showing particularly the county, city, town or magisterial district whereinsuch property is located.
The report shall also show the total gross receipts for the 12 months endingDecember 31 next preceding and the interstate revenue, if any, attributableto the Commonwealth. Such revenue shall include all interstate revenue frombusiness originating and terminating within the Commonwealth and a proportionof interstate revenue from all interstate business passing through, into orout of the Commonwealth.
B. Every corporation doing in the Commonwealth the business of furnishingwater, heat, light and power, whether by means of gas or steam, except (i)pipeline transmission companies taxed pursuant to § 58.1-2627.1 or (ii) anelectric supplier as defined in § 58.1-400.2, shall report annually, on April15, to the Commission all real and tangible personal property of everydescription in the Commonwealth, belonging to it as of January 1 preceding,showing particularly, as to property owned by it, the county, city, town ormagisterial district wherein such property is located. The report shall alsoshow the total gross receipts for the 12 months ending December 31 nextpreceding.
C. Every corporation in the Commonwealth in the business of furnishing heat,light and power by means of electricity shall report annually, on April 15,to the Commission all real and tangible personal property of everydescription in the Commonwealth, belonging to such corporation, leased bysuch corporation for a term greater than one year, or operated by suchcorporation as of the preceding January 1, showing particularly the county,city, town or magisterial district in which such property is located, unlessreported to the Commission by another corporation or electric supplier in theCommonwealth in the business of furnishing heat, light and power by means ofelectricity. Real and tangible personal property of every description in theCommonwealth leased by such corporation for a term greater than one year oroperated by such corporation shall mean only those assets directly associatedwith production facilities and shall not mean real estate or vehicles. Thereport shall also show the total gross receipts less sales to federal, stateand local governments for their own use. Electric suppliers organized ascooperatives shall report annually their gross receipts received fromnonmembers.
D. Every electric supplier as defined in § 58.1-2600 shall report annually,on April 15, to the Commission all real and tangible personal property ownedby such electric supplier, leased by such electric supplier for a termgreater than one year, or operated by such electric supplier in theCommonwealth and used directly for the generation, transmission ordistribution of electricity for sale as of the preceding January 1, showingparticularly the county, city, town or magisterial district in which suchproperty is located, unless reported to the Commission by another corporationor electric supplier in the Commonwealth in the business of furnishing heat,light and power by means of electricity. Real and tangible personal propertyof every description in the Commonwealth leased by such electric supplier fora term greater than one year or operated by such electric supplier shall meanonly those assets directly associated with production facilities and shallnot mean real estate or vehicles. The report shall also show the total grossreceipts less sales to federal, state and local governments for their ownuse. Electric suppliers organized as cooperatives shall report annually theirgross receipts received from nonmembers.
E. Every pipeline transmission company shall report annually, on April 15, tothe Department all of its real and tangible personal property of everydescription as of the beginning of January 1 preceding, showing particularlyin what city, town or county and magisterial district therein the property islocated.
F. The report required by subsections A through E shall be completed on formsprepared and furnished by the Commission. The Commission shall include onsuch forms such information as the Commission deems necessary for the properadministration of this chapter.
G. The report required by this section shall be certified by the oath of thepresident or other designated official of the corporation or person.
(Code 1950, §§ 58-581, 58-607 through 58-609; 1956, c. 69; 1968, c. 637;1972, c. 813; 1979, c. 284; 1984, c. 675; 1987, c. 376; 1988, c. 899; 1998,c. 197; 1999, c. 971; 2002, cc. 444, 502; 2004, cc. 661, 716.)