§ 58.1-314. Lien of jeopardy assessment; notice of lien.
Upon the completion of all acts necessary to effect a jeopardy assessmentunder § 58.1-313 and upon the failure of the taxpayer to make payment in fullupon demand of all taxes, penalties and interest immediately due thereunderor post a bond in lieu thereof when applicable, such assessment shall be alien upon and bind the real and personal property of the delinquent taxpayeragainst whom it may be issued from the time the taxpayer fails to make fullpayment thereunder, except as against a bona fide purchaser for a valuableconsideration. A notice of such lien, drawn by the Tax Commissioner, shall besent to the clerk of the circuit court in all jurisdictions wherein thetaxpayer is known or believed to own any estate. The clerk to whom any suchnotice of lien is so sent shall record it, as a judgment is required by lawto be recorded, and shall index the same in the name of the Commonwealth aswell as of the delinquent taxpayer. Such recordation shall thereupon beconstructive notice of the lien created by the assessment as to all estate ofthe delinquent taxpayer located in such jurisdiction.
(Code 1950, §§ 58-151.077, 58-151.0106; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 171; 1977, c.396; 1979, c. 639; 1984, c. 675.)