§ 58.1-472. Employer's returns and payments of withheld taxes.
Every employer required to deduct and withhold from an employee's wages underthis article shall make return and pay over to the Tax Commissioner theamount required to be withheld hereunder as follows:
1. Every employer whose monthly liability is less than $100 or who is subjectto subdivision 3 shall make return and pay over the required amount on orbefore the last day of the month following the close of each quarterly period;
2. Every employer whose average monthly liability can reasonably be expectedto be $100 or more shall file a return and pay the tax monthly, on or beforethe twenty-fifth day of the following month;
3. Every employer whose average monthly liability can reasonably be expectedto be $1,000 or more and the aggregate amount required to be withheld by anyemployer exceeds $500 shall, in addition to the requirements of subdivision 1of this section, file a form with the Commissioner within three banking daysfollowing the close of any period for which the employer is required todeposit federal withholding tax and pay the amount so withheld, except when apayment is due within three days of the due date for the filing of thequarterly returns, then such payment shall be made with such return.
The Tax Commissioner may authorize an employer to file seasonal returns whenin his opinion the administration of the tax imposed under this article wouldbe enhanced. Any employer making payment under subdivision 3 of this sectionwill be deemed to have met the requirements hereof if at least ninety percentof actual tax liability for such period is paid. Employers authorized to fileseasonal returns under this paragraph shall file each return on or before thetwentieth of the month following the close of the reporting period.
The returns and forms filed under this section shall be in such form andcontain such information as the Commissioner may prescribe.
(Code 1950, § 58-151.13; 1962, c. 612; 1968, c. 12; 1970, c. 540; 1972, c.827; 1973, c. 279; 1974, c. 636; 1975, c. 49; 1977, cc. 396, 663; 1981, c.283; 1984, c. 675; 1988, c. 899; 1991, cc. 362, 456; 2007, c. 753.)