§ 58.1-477. Extensions.
The Tax Commissioner may grant an employer a reasonable extension of time forfiling any return under this article whenever in his judgment good causeexists. Whenever under the terms of such an extension the payment of anyamount or amounts of money to the Tax Commissioner by the employer ispostponed for a longer period than ten days from the time the same would beotherwise due and payable, such employer shall be charged with interest onsuch amount or amounts at a rate determined in accordance with § 58.1-15,from the time such amount or amounts were originally due and payable to thedate of payment under the terms of the extension.
(Code 1950, § 58-151.13; 1962, c. 612; 1968, c. 12; 1970, c. 540; 1972, c.827; 1973, c. 279; 1974, c. 636; 1975, c. 49; 1977, cc. 396, 663; 1981, c.283; 1984, c. 675.)