§ 58.1-544. Effective date of tax; repeal thereof.
A. Any tax imposed under this article shall be effective for all taxableyears beginning on or after January 1 of the year following the calendar yearin which the ordinance levying the tax is adopted.
B. Subject to the limitations provided in subsection B of § 58.1-540, therepeal of any tax imposed under this section shall be effective for alltaxable years beginning on or after January 1 of the year following thecalendar year in which the ordinance levying the tax is repealed.
C. The local governing body shall transmit to the Tax Commissioner acertified copy of any ordinance levying, modifying or repealing the localincome tax no later than thirty calendar days after its adoption and at leastthirty calendar days prior to the effective date of the tax.
(1989, c. 245.)