§ 58.1-3125. Examination of treasurer's bond; when court to require new bond.
Each circuit court shall enter an order in each year requiring thecommissioner of accounts of such court or, if it is improper for suchcommissioner to act or if there is no commissioner of accounts of such court,then the commissioner of accounts of some other court to be designated in theorder, to examine the official bond of the treasurer of such county or city,except when the surety upon the bond is such a surety company as is providedfor in § 49-15. Such commissioner shall report to the court at its next termthereafter whether the bond is sufficient in all respects and at the sametime certify a copy of such report to the Comptroller. If the bond isreported as insufficient, the court shall make an order requiring thetreasurer, within thirty days after he has been served with a copy of theorder as a notice, to execute a new bond, which may be given before thecourt. If such new bond is not given within the time prescribed, the officeshall be deemed vacant. The commissioner's fees shall be paid out of thecounty or city funds.
(Code 1950, § 58-917; 1984, c. 675.)