§ 58.1-3130. Authority to destroy bonds and bond coupons which have beenpaid; procedure for destruction; certification.
The governing body of any county, city or town, upon petition of thetreasurer, may authorize by resolution the destruction of all bonds and bondcoupons paid by such fiscal officer or his predecessors after a period offive years from the end of the fiscal year in which such bonds and bondcoupons were paid.
The resolution of the governing body shall designate a committee of threepersons, one of whom shall be the treasurer, to supervise and witness thedestruction of such bonds and bond coupons. The committee shall prepare andexecute a certificate setting forth the means by which such paid instrumentswere destroyed, the issue, series, number and maturity date of the paid bondsso destroyed and the fiscal year in which paid.
Every such certification shall be in such form as shall be prescribed by thegoverning body and shall be acknowledged in the manner prescribed by law forthe acknowledgment of deeds. The certification shall be prepared induplicate, the original of which shall be made a part of the minutes of thegoverning body, and the copy thereof shall be retained as a permanent recordof the office of the treasurer.
(Code 1950, § 58-919.3; 1964, c. 629; 1968, c. 442; 1984, c. 675.)