§ 58.1-3137. County treasurer's annual settlement; final settlement.
The treasurer shall receive the county levy in the manner prescribed for thereceipt of the state revenue and shall, at the August meeting of thegoverning body of the county, or within thirty days thereafter, settle withthe governing body his accounts for that year. Out of the balance shown to bein his hands upon the settlement he shall at once pay all warrants drawn onthe appropriations for that year not previously paid, in the order of theirpresentation. When the treasurer's term of office expires or if he dies,resigns or is removed from office, the treasurer, upon the expiration of histerm of office, resignation, or removal, or his personal representative, uponhis death, shall immediately make such settlement, showing the amount in hishands to be accounted for and the fund to which such funds belong and deliverto his successor all securities belonging to his office and all moneybelonging to the county.
(Code 1950, § 58-925; 1959, Ex. Sess., c. 51; 1984, c. 675.)