§ 58.1-3146. Rule to show cause in such case; notice and hearing thereon.
Prior to the final discharge of any treasurer the clerk shall issue a rule,as directed by the appropriate circuit court, against the Comptroller, thegoverning body and the school board of the county or city, to show cause, ifany they can, why the treasurer should not be discharged. When the notice hasbeen published and posted as aforesaid and the rule executed, then the court,on the day named in the notice, shall, if no cause be shown to the contrary,enter an order, finally discharging such treasurer. If an objection is made,the court shall hear such matter with or without formal pleadings, on oraltestimony, or the court may refer any question that may arise in theproceedings to a commissioner in chancery to make a report thereon and mayenter, upon final hearing, such order as it may deem proper. A copy of theorder herein required, served upon the Comptroller, the chairman of thegoverning body, and the mayor of the city or superintendent of schools,respectively, shall be a sufficient service of the rule.
(Code 1950, § 58-934; 1984, c. 675.)