§ 58.1-3151. County finance board.
Each county of the Commonwealth may establish a county finance board, whichshall consist of the chairman of the governing body of the county, thetreasurer of the county and a citizen of the county of proven integrity andbusiness ability. The citizen member shall be appointed by the circuit courtof the county. However, in any county adjoining any county having apopulation of more than 500 per square mile the county finance board shallconsist of the chairman of the governing body, the treasurer, the attorneyfor the Commonwealth and a citizen of the county of proven integrity andbusiness ability. The citizen member thereof shall be appointed by thecircuit court of the county or by the judge thereof in vacation. The term ofthe citizen member shall be four years, but the circuit court of the countymay remove for cause any such member and appoint some other qualified citizenof the county in his stead for the unexpired portion of his term.
The governing body of any county which has a county finance board establishedunder the provisions of this section may by ordinance duly adopted abolishthe finance board, whereupon all authority, powers, and duties of the financeboard shall vest in the governing body.
(Code 1950, § 58-940; 1954, c. 587; 1984, c. 675.)