§ 58.1-3165. Suspension of officer proceeded against, appointment ofsubstitute.
Upon the institution of the proceeding authorized in § 58.1-3168 the Governormay suspend such officer from collecting the revenues of the Commonwealth andof the county or city and from performing any of the other duties of hisoffice. The Governor may also appoint a person to act in the place of suchsuspended officer in the performance of the duties of the office. Suchappointee, after having qualified and given bond according to law, shalldischarge all the duties of the office to which he is appointed during thetime of the suspension of his predecessor, shall be entitled to thecompensation provided for such officer and shall be amenable to all therules, regulations, requirements and responsibilities declared by the laws ofthis Commonwealth pertaining to the collection and disposition of, andaccounting for, the public revenue.
The suspension of the officer shall continue, unless sooner removed by theGovernor, until the ouster proceedings so instituted have been finallydetermined.
(Code 1950, § 58-954; 1984, c. 675.)