§ 58.1-3168. When treasurers to pay state revenue into state treasury.
Each treasurer, pursuant to § 2.2-806, shall deposit promptly upon receiptall state moneys collected or received from all sources directly into theaccount of the state treasury without any deduction and make up a statementof all state revenue collected by him since such treasurer filed with theComptroller his last preceding report. The Comptroller may call upon anytreasurer, at any time he thinks proper, to pay into the state treasury anyand all money in his hands belonging to the Commonwealth and such treasurershall, within five days from the receipt of such call, make the payment.Should any treasurer wilfully fail to make any statement or payment requiredby this section, within the time prescribed, such failure shall be deemed asufficient cause for his removal from office under the provisions of §§24.2-230 to 24.2-238.
(Code 1950, § 58-973; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 1; 1982, c. 292; 1984, c. 675.)