§ 58.1-3619. The State Future Farmers of America, Future Homemakers ofAmerica and Future Business Leaders of America.
A. The Future Farmers of America, the Future Homemakers of America, and localaffiliates or subsidiaries thereof, located throughout the Commonwealth, arehereby classified as benevolent organizations.
The tax exemption provided in this subsection shall be limited to the J. R.Thomas Camp, located in Chesterfield County and owned by the Future Farmersof America, the Future Homemakers of America and the local affiliates orsubsidiaries thereof.
B. The Future Business Leaders of America, the Future Homemakers of America,and local affiliates or subsidiaries thereof, located throughout theCommonwealth, are hereby classified as benevolent organizations.
Except as otherwise may be provided by this article, the tax exemptionprovided herein shall be limited to property owned by either the FutureBusiness Leaders of America or the Future Homemakers of America which islocated in Fairfax County.
(Code 1950, § 58-12.93; 1978, c. 821; 1984, c. 675; 1993, c. 559.)