§ 58.1-3660.1. Certified stormwater management developments and property.
A. Certified stormwater management developments and property, as definedherein, are hereby declared to be a separate class of property and shallconstitute a classification for local taxation separate from other suchclassifications of real property. The governing body of any county, city ortown may, by ordinance, exempt or partially exempt such property from localtaxation.
B. As used in this section, "certified stormwater management developmentsand property" means any real estate improvements constructed from permeablematerial, such as, but not limited to, roads, parking lots, patios, anddriveways, which are otherwise constructed of impermeable materials, andwhich the Department of Conservation and Recreation has certified to bedesigned, constructed, or reconstructed for the primary purpose of abating orpreventing pollution of the atmosphere or waters of the Commonwealth byminimizing stormwater runoff. Permeable material shall be used for at leastseventy percent of the surface areas that would otherwise be covered byimpermeable materials.
(1996, cc. 581, 595; 2009, c. 350.)