§ 58.1-3724. Bondsmen.
A. As used in this section, "professional bondsman" means a person who is aproperty bail bondsman, as such term is defined in § 9.1-185.
B. The governing body of any county or city may by ordinance require thatevery person who shall, for compensation, enter into any bond or bonds forothers, whether as a principal or surety, shall obtain a revenue license, theamount of which shall be prescribed in such ordinance. No professionalbondsman or his agent shall enter into any such bond or bonds in any suchcounty or city until he shall have obtained such license, unless he hasobtained such required license in another city or county, in which he engagesin the business of bail bonding.
C. With the exception of any bondsman or his agent who has heretoforeobtained a certificate and license under this section and whose certificate,license and right to act as a bondsman continues to remain in full force andeffect, no such license shall be issued by the authorities of any such countyor city unless and until the applicant shall have first obtained a bailbondsman license from the Department of Criminal Justice Services.
D. Any ordinance enacted pursuant to the provisions of this section mayprovide for revocation of licenses for failure to comply with the terms ofsuch ordinance and may in addition prescribe penalties for violations thereof.
(Code 1950, § 58-371.2; 1950, p. 83; 1952, c. 441; 1956, c. 26; 1958, c. 531;1960, c. 523; 1964, c. 576; 1966, c. 321; 1970, c. 509; 1972, c. 769; 1975,c. 285; 1976, c. 199; 1980, c. 716; 1981, c. 543; 1984, c. 675; 2003, c. 979;2004, c. 460.)