§ 58.1-3735. Departments of license inspection in certain counties.
The governing body of any county having a population of less than 41,000 andadjoining a city of more than 230,000 population and of any county having apopulation of more than 70,000, and adjoining 4 cities in this Commonwealthmay by resolution provide for the creation of a department of licenseinspection with a license inspector in charge of such department. The licenseinspector shall be appointed by the governing body of the county. The licenseinspector shall enforce the ordinance of the county with regard to licensesand license taxes, review any and all records of the commissioner of revenue,other than income tax returns, and examine and audit the books of allpersons, firms and corporations whom he has reasonable cause to believe areliable for payment of any license levied by the county. The license inspectorshall be paid a salary for his services to be fixed by the governing body.The governing body of the county may employ any such person as it deemsnecessary for the operation of such department and may make such rules andregulations as it deems expedient for the operation of such department.
(Code 1950, § 58-266.6; 1956, c. 57; 1962, c. 490; 1984, c. 675.)