§ 58.1-3851. Creation of local tourism zones.
A. Any city, county, or town may establish, by ordinance, one or more tourismzones. Each locality may grant tax incentives and provide certain regulatoryflexibility in a tourism zone.
B. The tax incentives may be provided for up to 20 years and may include, butnot be limited to (i) reduction of permit fees, (ii) reduction of user fees,and (iii) reduction of any type of gross receipts tax. The extent andduration of such incentive proposals shall conform to the requirements of theConstitutions of Virginia and of the United States.
C. The governing body may also provide for regulatory flexibility in suchzone that may include, but not be limited to (i) special zoning for thedistrict, (ii) permit process reform, (iii) exemption from ordinances,excluding ordinances or provisions of ordinances adopted pursuant to therequirements of the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act (§ 10.1-2100 et seq.),the Erosion and Sediment Control Law (§ 10.1-560 et seq.), or the VirginiaStormwater Management Act (§ 10.1-603.1 et seq.), and (iv) any otherincentive adopted by ordinance, which shall be binding upon the locality fora period of up to 10 years.
D. The establishment of a tourism zone shall not preclude the area from alsobeing designated as an enterprise zone.
(2006, c. 642; 2008, c. 462.)