§ 58.1-3852. Incentives for green roofing.
A. As used in this article, unless the context clearly shows otherwise, theterm or phrase:
"Green roof" means a solar roof or a vegetative roof.
"Solar roof" means a solar roofing system that generates reusable energy,which reusable energy accounts for at least 2.5 percent of the total electricenergy used by the building to which the solar roofing system is attached.
"Vegetative roof" means a roofing system designed in accordance with theVirginia Stormwater Management Program's standards and specifications forgreen roofs, as set forth in the Virginia Stormwater BMP Clearinghouse, inwhich at least 50 percent of the total roofing area is vegetative.
B. Any county, city, or town may, by ordinance, grant incentives or provideregulatory flexibility to encourage the use of green roofs in theconstruction, repair, or remodeling of residential and commercial buildings.Any such incentive or regulatory flexibility shall require that green roofsbe used.
C. The incentives or regulatory flexibility may include, but shall not belimited, to (i) a reduction in permit fees when green roofs are used, (ii) astreamlined process for the approval of building permits when green roofs areused, or (iii) a reduction in any gross receipts tax on green roofcontractors as defined by the local ordinance.
D. The extent and duration of the incentives or regulatory flexibility shallconform to the requirements of the Constitutions of Virginia and of theUnited States.
(2009, cc. 17, 604.)