§ 58.1-3960. Validation of certain tax deeds made under repealed § 58-1052 or§ 58-1091.
All deeds heretofore made by a clerk of court to a purchaser under theprovisions of repealed § 58-1052 or § 58-1091 of the Code of Virginia, whichdeeds have been recorded for fifteen years or more in the clerk's office ofthe county or city wherein the land conveyed thereby is located, are herebydeclared to be valid in all respects and for all purposes except ashereinafter provided as to persons under disability.
No former owner, his heirs or assigns shall make an entry on or bring anaction to recover any land conveyed by such a deed or institute any suit toset aside such a deed, except within fifteen years next after the time such adeed from the clerk of court has been duly admitted to record.
An infant or insane person who owned land at the time the same was returneddelinquent and sold on account of the default in paying the taxes assessedthereon, which land has been conveyed by a clerk of court by such deed, mayredeem the same in accordance with the provisions of law within two yearsafter the removal of disability; but in no case shall the right to redeem beallowed any person after the lapse of twenty years from the day of such sale.
Nothing herein shall be construed so as to affect or divert the title of atenant in reversion or remainder to any real estate which has been returneddelinquent and sold on account of the default of the tenant for life inpaying the taxes assessed thereon or to affect or divert the title of acotenant, joint tenant or coparceners, when the grantee in such deed is oneof the cotenants, joint tenants or coparceners.
(Code 1950, § 58-1026.1; 1974, c. 306; 1984, c. 675.)