§ 58.1-3974. Redemption of land by owner; lien for taxes paid.
Any owner of the real estate described in any notice published pursuant to §58.1-3965 or any bill in equity filed pursuant to this article, or his ortheir heirs, successors and assigns, shall have the right to redeem such realestate prior to the date set for a judicial sale thereof by paying into courtall taxes, penalties and interest due with respect to such real estate,together with all costs including costs of publication and a reasonableattorney's fee set by the court. Any person who has paid any taxes on suchreal estate shall have a lien thereon for any taxes paid, plus interest atthe rate of six percent per year.
(Code 1950, § 58-1117.10; 1973, c. 467; 1983, c. 345; 1984, c. 675.)