§ 58.1-4005. Appointment, qualifications and salary of Director.
A. The Department shall be under the immediate supervision and direction of aDirector, who shall be a person of good reputation, particularly as tohonesty and integrity, and shall be subject to a thorough backgroundinvestigation conducted by the Department of State Police prior toappointment. The Director shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure ofthe Governor, subject to confirmation by a majority of the members elected toeach house of the General Assembly if in session when the appointment ismade, and if not in session, then at its next succeeding session. TheDirector shall receive a salary as provided in the general appropriations act.
B. The Director shall devote his full time to the performance of his officialduties and shall not be engaged in any other profession or occupation.
C. Before entering upon the discharge of his duties, the Director shall takean oath that he will faithfully and honestly execute the duties of his officeduring his continuance therein and shall give bond in such amount as may befixed by the Governor, conditioned upon the faithful discharge of his duties.The premium on such bond shall be paid out of the State Lottery Fund.
(1987, c. 531.)