§ 58.1-4012. Suspension and revocation of licenses.
The Director may suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew, after notice and ahearing, any license issued pursuant to this chapter. Such license may,however, be temporarily suspended by the Director without prior notice,pending any prosecution, hearing or investigation, whether by a third partyor by the Director. A license may be suspended, revoked or refused renewal bythe Director for one or more of the following reasons:
1. Failure to properly account for lottery tickets received or the proceedsof the sale of lottery tickets;
2. Failure to file a bond if required by the Director or to comply withinstructions and rules and regulations of the Department concerning thelicensed activity, especially with regard to the prompt payment of claims;
3. Conviction of any offense referenced in subsection C of § 58.1-4009subsequent to licensure;
4. Failure to file any return or report, to keep records or to pay any feesor other charges required by this chapter;
5. Any act of fraud, deceit, misrepresentation or conduct prejudicial topublic confidence in the Commonwealth lottery;
6. If the number of lottery tickets sold by the lottery sales agent isinsufficient to meet administrative costs and public convenience isadequately served by other licensees;
7. A material change, since issuance of the license, with respect to anymatters required to be considered by the Director under this chapter; or
8. Other factors established by Department regulation.
(1987, c. 531; 1992, c. 449.)