§ 58.1-4019. Certain persons ineligible to purchase tickets or shares orreceive prizes.
A. No ticket or share shall be purchased by, and no prize shall be paid on aticket purchased by or transferred to, any Board member, officer or employeeof the lottery, or any board member, officer or employee of any vendor to thelottery of lottery on-line or instant ticket goods or services workingdirectly on a contract with the Department for such goods or services, or anyperson residing in the same household of such member, officer or employee orany person under the age of eighteen years, or transferee of any such persons.
B. Only natural persons may purchase lottery tickets and claim prizewinnings. In all cases, the identity and social security number of allnatural persons who receive a prize greater than $100 from a winning ticketredeemed at any Department office shall be provided in order to comply withthis section and §§ 58.1-4015, 58.1-4016 and 58.1-4026, and Chapter 19 (§63.2-1900 et seq.) of Title 63.2.
(1987, c. 531; 1989, c. 478; 1992, c. 449; 1996, c. 954; 1999, c. 34.)