§ 58.1-915. Petition of domiciliary state for accounting.
Within sixty days after the mailing of such notice, the official or bodycharged with the administration of the death tax laws of the domiciliarystate may file with such court in this Commonwealth a petition for anaccounting in such estate. Such official body of the domiciliary state shall,for the purpose of this article, be a party interested for the purpose ofpetitioning the court for such accounting. If such petition be filed withinthe period of sixty days, the court shall decree such accounting and uponsuch accounting being filed and approved shall decree the remission of thefiduciary appointed by the domiciliary probate court of the balance of theintangible personalty after the payment of creditors and expenses ofadministration in the Commonwealth.
(Code 1950, § 58-238.20; 1978, c. 838; 1984, c. 675.)