§ 59.1-155.1. (Effective January 1, 2011) Engine coolant and antifreezebittering agent; penalty.
A. Any engine coolant or antifreeze manufactured after January 1, 2011, andsold within the Commonwealth that contains more than 10 percent ethyleneglycol shall include not less than 30 parts per million and not more than 50parts per million denatonium benzoate as a bittering agent in order to renderthe coolant or antifreeze unpalatable.
B. A manufacturer, processor, distributor, recycler or seller of an enginecoolant or antifreeze that is required to contain an aversive agent undersubsection A shall not be liable to any person for any personal injury,death, property damage, damage to the environment (including naturalresources), or economic loss that results from the inclusion of denatoniumbenzoate in any engine coolant or antifreeze, provided that the inclusion ofdenatonium benzoate is present in concentrations mandated by subsection A.The limitation on liability does not apply to a particular liability to theextent that the cause of such liability is unrelated to the inclusion ofdenatonium benzoate in any engine coolant or antifreeze.
C. The provisions of this section shall not apply to (i) the sale of a motorvehicle that contains engine coolant or antifreeze, (ii) a wholesalecontainer of engine coolant or antifreeze designed to contain 55 gallons ormore of engine coolant or antifreeze, or (iii) engine coolant or antifreezereformulated through on site recycling.
D. Any person violating any provision of this section shall be assessed acivil penalty of up to $100 per violation. Each day of violation shallconstitute a separate offense.
E. This section shall not apply to engine coolant or antifreeze that ispurchased pursuant to military specifications.
(2009, c. 681.)