§ 59.1-189. Labels and stamps required.
No storage batteries intended for use in connection in any manner with theoperation of any machine, motor, radio or any mechanical device or inconnection with the production of any artificial light shall be sold oroffered for sale in this Commonwealth unless there is affixed to suchbatteries a label or stamp showing, or the seller of such batteries hasavailable for customer inspection documentation that shows the name andaddress of the manufacturer, date on which the manufacture of such batterywas completed, the size of the container and whether the container is made ofrubber or a composition, the number and thickness of plates in each cell, thename of the material used as a filler for the grids in the plate, and thekind of woods or other materials used as separators between the plates.
(Code 1950, § 59-162; 1968, c. 439; 1990, c. 592.)