§ 59.1-193. Record to be kept by purchaser of livestock delivered by motorvehicle.
It shall be unlawful for any dealer in or slaughterer of livestock topurchase any cattle, sheep, swine or other livestock from any person who isnot personally known by the purchaser and who delivers such livestock to thepurchaser by means of a motor truck or other motor vehicle, unless suchpurchaser shall first record the name and address of the person from whomsuch purchase is made, the date of the purchase, the license plate numbers ofsuch truck or vehicle, the state where the same is registered, and a generaldescription of the livestock purchased, including the kind purchased, whethercattle, sheep, swine or other livestock, the number purchased and theapproximate weight of the livestock in each lot purchased.
(Code 1950, § 59-166; 1968, c. 439.)