§ 59.1-207.15. Informal dispute settlement procedure.
A. If a manufacturer provides an informal dispute settlement procedure, itshall be the consumer's choice whether or not to use it prior to availinghimself of his rights under this chapter.
B. If a dispute settlement procedure is resorted to by the consumer and thedecision is for a refund or a comparable motor vehicle, the manufacturershall have forty days from its receipt of the consumer's acceptance of thedecision or from the date of a court order to comply with the terms of thedecision.
C. In any action brought because of the manufacturer's failure to comply withthe decision, within the scope of the procedure's authority, rendered as aresult of a dispute resolution proceeding or a court order, the court maytriple the value of the award stipulated in the decision as provided for inthis chapter, plus award other equitable relief the court deems appropriate,including additional attorney's fees.
(1988, c. 603; 1990, c. 772.)