§ 59.1-199. Exclusions.
Nothing in this chapter shall apply to:
A. Any aspect of a consumer transaction which aspect is authorized under lawsor regulations of this Commonwealth or the United States, or the formaladvisory opinions of any regulatory body or official of this Commonwealth orthe United States.
B. Acts done by the publisher, owner, agent or employee of a newspaper,periodical, or radio or television station, or other advertising media suchas outdoor advertising and advertising agencies, in the publication ordissemination of an advertisement in violation of § 59.1-200, unless it beproved that such person knew that the advertisement was of a characterprohibited by § 59.1-200.
C. Those aspects of a consumer transaction which are regulated by the FederalConsumer Credit Protection Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1601 et seq.
D. Banks, savings institutions, credit unions, small loan companies, publicservice corporations, mortgage lenders as defined in § 6.1-409,broker-dealers as defined in § 13.1-501, gas suppliers as defined insubsection E of § 56-235.8, and insurance companies regulated and supervisedby the State Corporation Commission or a comparable federal regulating body.
E. Any aspect of a consumer transaction which is subject to the Landlord andTenant Act, Chapter 13 (§ 55-217 et seq.) of Title 55 or the VirginiaResidential Landlord and Tenant Act, Chapter 13.2 (§ 55-248.2 et seq.) ofTitle 55, unless the act or practice of a landlord constitutes amisrepresentation or fraudulent act or practice under § 59.1-200.
F. Real estate licensees who are licensed under Chapter 21 (§ 54.1-2100 etseq.) of Title 54.1.
(1977, c. 635; 1987, c. 464; 1994, c. 400; 1995, c. 703; 1996, cc. 61, 77,179; 1999, c. 494; 2000, cc. 691, 706.)