§ 59.1-310.3. Notice to customers; liability.
A. A tanning facility shall give each customer a written statement warningthat:
1. Failure to use the eye protection provided to the customer by the tanningfacility may result in damage to the eyes;
2. Overexposure to ultraviolet light causes burns;
3. Repeated exposure may result in premature aging of the skin and skincancer;
4. Abnormal skin sensitivity or burning may be caused by reactions ofultraviolet light to certain (i) foods; (ii) cosmetics; or (iii) medications,including tranquilizers, diuretics, antibiotics, high blood pressuremedicines, or birth control pills; and
5. Any person taking a prescription or over-the-counter drug should consult aphysician prior to using a tanning device.
B. Prior to allowing a prospective customer to use a tanning device, theowner or his designee shall obtain on the written statement the signature ofeach customer on a duplicate of the written statement provided to thecustomer under subsection A. In addition, the owner or his designee shallobtain, every six months, the signature of the parent or legal guardian of aprospective customer who is under the age of 15 and is not emancipated underVirginia law.
C. Compliance with the notice requirements does not affect the liability of atanning facility owner or a manufacturer of a tanning device.
D. The signed duplicates of the written statements provided under subsectionA may be retained at a location other than the tanning facility if anelectronic or facsimile image of the original is readily available at each ofan owner's tanning facilities.
(1990, c. 776; 2007, c. 575.)