§ 59.1-325. Fees.
A. Each application for registration under § 59.1-318 shall be accompanied bya reasonable fee to be determined by the Board and published in theregulations adopted in accordance with the provisions of the AdministrativeProcess Act (§ 2.2-4000 et seq.).
B. Each application for registration or for amendment shall be accompanied bya reasonable fee to be determined by the Board and published in regulationsadopted in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Process Act.
C. Until such time as regulations covering fees are adopted by the Board, theregistration fee shall be $2,500 and the fee for amendments shall be $100.
D. All fees shall be remitted to the State Treasurer and shall be credited toa special fund of the Virginia Department of Agriculture and ConsumerServices to be used in the administration of this chapter.
(1985, c. 409; 1988, c. 58; 1992, c. 545.)