§ 59.1-376. Limited licenses; transfer of meet; taxation; authority to issue;limitations.
A. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 59.1-375 or § 59.1-378 but subject tosuch regulations and criteria as it may prescribe, the Commission isauthorized to issue limited licenses, provided such licenses shall permit anyholder to conduct a race meeting or meetings for a period not to exceedfourteen days in any calendar year.
B. The Commission may at any time, in its discretion, authorize anyorganization or association licensed under this section to transfer its racemeeting or meetings from its own track or place for holding races, to thetrack or place for holding races of any other organization or associationlicensed under this chapter upon the payment of any and all appropriatelicense fees. No such authority to transfer shall be granted without theexpress consent of the organization or association owning or leasing thetrack to which such transfer is made.
C. For any such meeting the licensee shall retain and pay from the pool thetax as provided in § 59.1-392.
D. No person to whom a limited license has been issued nor any officer,director, partner, or spouse or immediate family member thereof shall makeany contribution to any candidate for public office or public office holderat the local or state level.
(1988, c. 855; 1991, c. 591.)