§ 59.1-385. Suspension or revocation of license.
A. After a hearing with fifteen days' notice the Commission may suspend orrevoke any license, or fine the holder thereof a sum not to exceed $100,000,in any case where it has reason to believe that any provision of thischapter, or any regulation or condition of the Commission, has not beencomplied with or has been violated. The Commission may revoke a license if itfinds that facts not known by it at the time it considered the applicationindicate that such license should not have been issued.
B. The Commission shall revoke any license issued under § 59.1-382 for theoperation of a satellite facility if the licensee, within one year ofissuance of the satellite facility license, fails to conduct live racing at aracetrack licensed pursuant to § 59.1-382 or fails to conduct, without thepermission of the Commission, the live racing days assigned to the licenseeby the Commission.
C. The Commission, at a meeting at which a quorum of the members is present,may summarily suspend any license for a period of not more than ninety dayspending a hearing and final determination by the Commission if the Commissiondetermines that emergency action is required to protect the public health,safety and welfare including, but not limited to, revenues due theCommonwealth, localities and the horsemen's purse account. The Commissionshall (i) schedule a hearing within fourteen business days after the licenseis summarily suspended and (ii) notify the licensee not less than fivebusiness days before the hearing of the date, time, and place of the hearing.
D. Deliberations of the Commission hereunder shall be conducted pursuant tothe provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (§ 2.2-3700 etseq.). If any such license is suspended or revoked, the Commission shallstate its reasons for doing so, which shall be entered of record. Such actionshall be final unless appealed in accordance with § 59.1-373. Suspension orrevocation of a license by the Commission for any violation shall notpreclude criminal liability for such violation.
(1988, c. 855; 1991, c. 591; 1995, cc. 212, 275; 2000, c. 1031.)