§ 59.1-397. Unlawful transmission of information.
Any person who knowingly transmits information as to the progress or resultsof a horse race, or information as to wagers, betting odds, post or offtimes, or jockey changes in any race by any means whatsoever for the purposesof carrying on illegal gambling operations as defined in § 18.2-325, or to aperson engaged in illegal gambling operations shall be guilty of a Class 4felony.
This section shall not be construed to prohibit a newspaper from printingsuch results or information as news, or any television or radio station fromtelecasting or broadcasting such results or information as news. This sectionshall not be so construed as to place in jeopardy any common carrier or itsagents performing operations within the scope of a public franchise, or anygambling operation authorized by law.
(1988, c. 855.)