§ 59.1-399. Bribing of a jockey, driver or other participant.
Any person who gives, promises or offers to any jockey, driver, groom or anyperson participating in any race meeting, including owners of racetracks andtheir employees, stewards, trainers, judges, starters and special policemen,any valuable thing with intent to influence him to attempt to lose or causeto be lost a horse race in which such person is taking part or expects totake part, or has any duty or connection, or who, being either jockey,driver, or groom or participant in a race meeting, solicits or accepts anyvaluable thing to influence him to lose or cause to be lost a horse race inwhich he is taking part, or expects to take part, or has any duty orconnection, shall be guilty of a Class 4 felony.
(1988, c. 855.)