§ 59.1-400. Prohibited acts, administration of drugs, etc.; penalty.
Any person who, with the intent to defraud, acts to alter the outcome of arace by (i) the administration of any substance foreign to the natural horse,except those substances specifically permitted by the regulations of theVirginia Racing Commission, or (ii) the use of any device, electrical orotherwise, except those specifically permitted by the regulations of theVirginia Racing Commission, shall be guilty of a Class 4 felony.
Any person who, with the intent to defraud, influences or conspires withanother to alter the outcome of a race by (i) the administration of anysubstance foreign to the natural horse, except those substances specificallypermitted by the regulations of the Virginia Racing Commission, or (ii) theuse of any device, electrical or otherwise, except those specificallypermitted by the regulations of the Virginia Racing Commission, shall beguilty of a Class 4 felony.
Any person who (i) administers any substance foreign to the natural horse,except those substances specifically permitted by the regulations of theVirginia Racing Commission, when the horse is entered to start, or (ii) atany time, exposes any substance foreign to the natural horse with the intentof impeding or increasing the speed, endurance, health, or condition of ahorse, shall be guilty of a Class 4 felony.
(1988, c. 855; 1990, c. 366.)