§ 59.1-409. Warning signs.
A. No person shall, individually or through an agent or employee, or as anagent or employee, operate any covered equipment in the proximity of anoverhead high voltage line unless there is posted and maintained a warningsign placed as follows:
1. Within the equipment and readily visible and legible to the operator ofsuch equipment when at the controls of such equipment; and
2. On the outside of equipment in such numbers and locations as to be readilyvisible and legible at 12 feet to other persons engaged in the workoperations.
B. It shall be the duty and responsibility of the owner, lessee, or employerof any covered equipment to acquaint themselves, and their employees who willbe operating the equipment or will be engaged in work, with the provisions ofthis chapter and the regulations prescribed and promulgated pursuant to it.
(1989, c. 341; 2003, c. 364.)