§ 59.1-413. Exemptions.
This chapter shall not apply to the construction, reconstruction, operation,and maintenance of overhead electrical or communication circuits orconductors and their supporting structures and associated equipment of (i)rail transportation systems, (ii) electrical generating, transmission ordistribution systems, (iii) communication systems, including cabletelevision, or (iv) any other publicly or privately owned system providedthat such work on any of the foregoing systems is performed by the employeesof the owner or operator of the systems or independent contractors engaged onbehalf of the owner or operator of the system to perform the work.
This chapter also shall not apply to electrical or communications circuits orconductors on the premises of coal or other mines which are subject to theprovisions of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977 (30 U.S.C. § 801et seq.) and regulations adopted pursuant to that Act by the Mine Safety andHealth Administration.
(1989, c. 341.)