§ 59.1-441.1. Definitions.
In addition to the definitions in § 59.1-435, the following terms in thischapter shall have the following meanings, unless a different meaning clearlyappears from the context:
"Contract holder" means a person entering into a subscription contract withan organization;
"Department" means the Virginia Department of Agriculture and ConsumerServices;
"Legal services organization" or "organization" means a person subject toregulation and licensing under Chapter 44 (§ 38.2-4400 et seq.) of Title 38.2who operates, conducts, or administers a legal services plan;
"Legal services plan" or "plan" means a contractual obligation or anarrangement whereby legal services are provided in consideration of aspecified payment consisting in whole or in part of prepaid or periodiccharges, regardless of whether the payment is made by the subscribersindividually or by a third person for them;
"Legal services plan seller" means a person subject to registration andregulation under this chapter who offers to a subscriber the opportunity toenter into a subscription contract. Home office salaried officers whoseprincipal duties and responsibilities do not include the negotiation orsolicitation of subscription contracts shall not be required to registerunder this chapter;
"Subscriber" means any person entitled to benefits under the terms andconditions of a subscription contract; and
"Subscription contract" means a written contract that is issued to asubscriber by an organization and that provides legal services or benefitsfor legal services.
(2004, c. 784.)