§ 59.1-443. Exceptions.
Section 59.1-442 shall not apply to: (i) information gathered for purposes ofextending credit or the recording and sale, rental, exchange or disclosure toothers of information obtained from any public body as defined in theVirginia Freedom of Information Act (§ 2.2-3700 et seq.); (ii) the sale ofinformation concerning a check or credit card transaction when it isincidental to the sale or other disposition of accounts receivable; (iii) thefurnishing by a merchant of information on check writing activity of itscustomers in conjunction with check validation transactions; or (iv)information sold in connection with any sale by a business of the business'sretail operations at one or more locations, provided that the information issold only to the purchasers thereof.
(1992, c. 807; 1993, c. 453; 2004, c. 241.)