§ 59.1-443.1. Recording date of birth as condition of accepting checksprohibited.
A. As used in this section:
"Check" shall have the same meaning as defined in § 8.3A-104.
B. Except as provided in subsection C, no person who accepts checks for thetransaction of business shall, as a condition of accepting the check, record,or request or require a person to record, his or her date of birth upon thecheck or otherwise.
C. This section does not require a person to accept checks for thetransaction of business. Nothing in this section shall apply to (i) thecollection or use of a date of birth that is unrelated to accepting paymentby check or (ii) a requirement that the person paying by check provide theyear of his birth.
(2004, c. 241; 2005, c. 839.)