§ 59.1-445. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Accommodations" means any real property improvement provided by the travelclub to its members for lodging purposes, including, without limitation,condominiums, hotels, motels or motor courts.
"Board" means the Virginia Board of Agriculture and Consumer Services.
"Carrier" means any person engaged in the business of transporting personsfor hire.
"Commissioner" means the Commissioner of the Department of Agriculture andConsumer Services or his designee.
"Contract" shall be synonymous with "travel services agreement."
"Offer," or "offering" means any act to sell, solicit, induce, advertise,or execute a travel services agreement.
"Purchaser" means any person who enters into an agreement in whole or inpart within this Commonwealth with a travel club for travel services.
"Travel club" means a for-profit organization that provides, in return foreither an advance fee for membership or an annual charge for membership ofmore than $100, the privilege for its members or participants to arrange orobtain future travel services through or from the organization. Travel clubshall exclude credit card issuers whose cards are honored at any one time by100 or more merchants, other than the issuer.
"Travel services" means transportation by carrier; accommodations; rentalof motor vehicles; or any other service related to travel. For purposes ofthis chapter, "travel services" shall not include investments in timeshares.
"Travel services agreement" means the agreement executed in whole or inpart in this Commonwealth between the travel club and the purchaser of themembership in such club and does not include arrangements or agreements forspecific travel transportation, accommodation or other specific services.
(1993, c. 760; 1994, c. 482.)