§ 59.1-457. Payment of sales commission.
A. Every sales representative shall be paid the earned commission and allother compensation earned or payable in accordance with the terms of thecontract.
B. When a contract between a principal and a sales representative isterminated, for any reason, except by mutual agreement, all earnedcommissions shall be paid within a period specified in the contract, but inno event shall such period exceed thirty days from the date of terminationor, in the case of orders processed subsequent to termination, thirty daysfrom shipment. Such commission and other compensation shall be paid to thesales representative at the usual place of payment unless the salesrepresentative requests that the commission be sent to him through regularmail. If the commission is sent through regular mail, it is deemed to havebeen paid for purposes of this subsection on the date that it is postmarked.
(1993, c. 736.)