§ 59.1-473. Legal action or arbitration.
A. The remedies afforded by this chapter are cumulative and not exclusive andshall be in addition to any other legal or equitable remedies otherwiseavailable to the consumer.
B. In addition to any other remedies otherwise available to him, any consumerwho suffers loss as a result of any violation of this chapter may bring anaction to recover damages. Such damages may also be recovered through thearbitration mechanism described in subsection C.
C. All persons subject to this chapter shall have the option of submittingany disputes arising under the provisions of this chapter to the arbitrationmechanism established and administered by the Dispute Resolution Unit of theOffice of Consumer Affairs, Division of Consumer Protection, pursuant tosubdivision B 3 of § 3.2-102. Such mechanism shall ensure that thearbitration is conducted by a neutral third party.
(1998, cc. 67, 242.)