§ 59.1-513. Transmission of caller identification information required.
A. A telephone solicitor who makes a telephone solicitation call shalltransmit the telephone number, and, when available by the telephonesolicitor's carrier, the name of the telephone solicitor. It shall not be aviolation of this section to substitute (for the name and telephone numberused in, or billed for, making the call) the name of the person on whosebehalf the telephone solicitation call is being made and that person'scustomer service telephone number. The number so provided must permit, duringregular business hours, any individual to make a request not to receivetelephone solicitation calls.
B. No telephone solicitor shall take any intentional action to prevent thetransmission of the telephone solicitor's name or telephone number to anyperson receiving a telephone solicitation call.
(2001, cc. 528, 553; 2004, cc. 202, 224.)