§ 59.1-517. Enforcement; penalties.
A. The Attorney General, an attorney for the Commonwealth or the attorney forany county, city or town may cause an action to be brought in the name of theCommonwealth or of the county, city or town to enjoin any violation of thischapter by any person and to recover damages for aggrieved persons in theamount of $500 for each such violation.
B. If the court finds a willful violation, the court may, in its discretion,also award a civil penalty of not more than $1,000 for each such violation.
C. In any action brought under this section, the Attorney General, theattorney for the Commonwealth or the attorney for the county, city or townmay recover reasonable expenses incurred by the state or local agency ininvestigating and preparing the case, and attorneys' fees.
D. Any civil penalties awarded under this section in an action brought in thename of the Commonwealth shall be paid into the Literary Fund. Any civilpenalties awarded under this section in an action brought in the name of acounty, city or town shall be paid into the general fund of the county, cityor town.
(2001, cc. 528, 553.)